Tag: podcast

  • S4E3 Tinsel, Tidings, and Total Chaos – “None Of This is Podcastable”

    🎄 BaKChat’s Christmas Finale: Drunk, Unhinged, and Definitely Getting Us Coal 🎄 This holiday trainwreck is packed tighter than Santa’s sack, and spoiler: it’s spilling over with butthole jokes, T-Swift fangirling, and just the right amount of drunken debauchery to ruin Christmas dinner. Let’s break it down: Bryan Met Taylor Swift’s Mom: Yeah, you read…

  • S2 “Enough of this Rectal Talk, Let’s Talk About Britney!”

    On this week’s episode of BaKChat, Bryan and Krista pull out their monocles and twirl their moustaches to analyze the Free Britney Movement as professional, fully certified, BakChat-accredited legalologists. After watching the NYT documentary, ‘Framing Britney Spears’, the pair spare no words in their critique of the Hollywood-hungry society that has lead to us to…

  • S2 “We Can’t Spare the Moisture!”

    On this week’s episode, Bryan and Krista celebrate the 50th recorded episode of BaKChat, and dedicate it with love to everyone who has listened to the show! Special Fake Sponsors include The Soap Dispensary and Yaletown IV Health Centre. The duo discuss the dedication (and fun) it took to get to Episode 50, the Vancouver…