Tag: Wet February

  • S2 “Emotional Hotness!”

    It’s #wetfeb y’all! On this week’s VSE of BaKChat, “Sexologist/Sisterologist”, VANESSA, @pitsuparty, is on the show to chat with B & K about all things sex, kinks and relationships, ‘cause there ain’t no better person to confide in with all your deepest darkest sexual concerns than a big sis! The trio tackle the results of…

  • S2 “It’s Because My Grandma Was Born Under a Spruce Tree”

    On this week’s episode of BaKChat, Bryan and Krista get philosophical as dry January draws to a close—and promise a very WET return come February! Fake sponsors include the Tao Te Ching and www.clearly.ca (Krista paid a visit to Aunt Lynda). BaKChat chats about an insightful article; ‘Help your Kids Let Go of Stuff’ by…